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"Pebbles" (Study in Orange and Blue), 30" x 44", watercolor on arches I loved this image as soon as I saw all t...

Friday, July 29, 2011

The beautiful blues and the light green transparency of the waves at their peak is so delicate and beautiful I wanted to see if I could capture it in this small painting. Several small paintings of waves were done around this time focusing on the change of color in the waves. Since the paintings are so small, the image needs to be simple and focused, which I believe is why these small paintings work.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I painted "Coming In" after dozens of sketches of the rolling waves. I loved the wonderful cool greens made by the light illuminating the wave from behind. I took just one reference photograph to be sure the perspective was correct. The color in the photo did not translate well so memory and the sketches I did that day were invaluable in finishing this piece.